Huntington Trails News
Annual Meeting
Electronic Newsletters
Kids Directory
Needed: Newsletter Editor
Issues within the Community

Board Members
Kathy Wilson, Pres
Cheryl Lapham, Trea
Joe Incorvia, Sec
Chuck Hinton
Beth Veakis

Management Co.
Ameri-Tech Realty, Inc. Scott Vignery
726-8000 ext. 222

Our community has nominated the Walkers of 1117 Huntington Ln and the Salvis of 1006 Chatham Ct. for this designation for their well maintained, attractive landscaping. Check out their beautiful properties! If you have anyone you would like to recognize please email any Board member.
If you see anything in the community that you feel needs attention please contact Scott at Ameri-tech. Though the Board is vigilant they will not be able to find every problem or issue. We need everyone’s assistance to keep the Board and management company informed. Please leave contact information in case a follow up call is needed.
Only 1 more newsletter will be sent via mail.  As of next year all the newsletters will be online.  Please send your email address to Scott with Ameri-tech Realty who will be responsible for emailing notices of the newsletters. . Your email address will not be used for any other purpose than Huntington Trails’ newsletters and other important association business. If you don't have email please check the website regularly or ask to have the newsletter mailed to you.
I’ve received very little feedback from families on this topic.  There are many kids in our neighborhood but it’s hard to know where everyone is unless you have a directory.  Please know that:
   • This directory will never go online. 
   • It will only be emailed to those families that participate
   • I will never give out any information before expressly
      asking you directly.
I have young children and their privacy and safety is of utmost importance to me as well.  Please email with your child(ren) names, current age, DOB, school they are attending, phone number and address.
We are looking for a new newsletter editor. The editor writes up a paragraph or two on topics the Board would like to address and lays it in an aesthetic manner. The editor will NOT have to deal with putting it into a webpage format. Steve Wilson has agreed to do that task. I will continue to upload it to the website. If you have any questions you can email me at or call me at 796-4893.
Mark your calendars for: Date: November 14th, 2007
Time: 7:00 pm
Place: Safety Harbor Community Center on 9th Ave

Note that the location is different than past years. Information will be sent to you directly by Ameri-tech the beginning of November. Please consider volunteering for the Board!
Yard(s) of the Quarter

3nd Quarter 2007
Kim Geiss, Editor

New Board Member
Beth Veakis, our current architectural committee head, has been appointed to the Board to fill the vacancy of Mark Dickman who resigned due to work commitments. 
Thanks Beth!
We have a trained CERT Team (Community Emergency Response Team).  In brief, we are trained to properly prepare for a hurricane.  We are also trained to effectively handle the first several days after a hurricane when local emergency services will be overwhelmed and not available.
CERT training is designed to provide ordinary citizens with the basic skills necessary to prepare their homes and their families for a major disaster.  Trainees also learn how to suppress fires using extinguishers, how to conduct light search and rescue operations, and teaches triage and basic medical care to injured victims.
Our team needs additional members to ensure we are able to adequately meet our community’s needs should a disaster strike. Don’t let a disaster leave you feeling out of control.  Take control by becoming a trained CERT volunteer.
If you want to learn more about the program, contact your neighbor Lou Abilock by phone at 726 – 3505 or email at .

Our lawns are always a hot topic….literally. We are always in constant worry that our grass will die from lack of water or chinch bugs. Attached is an article that may be of assistance.

Green Grass