Huntington Trails News

Our annual community garage sale was another huge success!  We had a record number of participants this year. Thanks, again, to Joyce and Ray Borzelliere for all of their efforts in this event!

The new flowers at the Green Springs and Marshall Street entrances look great!  Thank you, Beth Veakis, for your time and effort!  If anyone is interested in volunteering to help out on the Beautification Committee, please contact the Board.  You don’t even have to have a green thumb!

The streets within the Huntington Trails neighborhood are privately owned by the members of the neighborhood through the Homeowners Association.  That means the City of Safety Harbor does not maintain our streets.   We are responsible for street repairs and pay for repairs through our quarterly association dues.  The Association maintains a reserve account for these expenses.

Our streets are scheduled to be resurfaced this year.  Resurfacing is necessary to protect against much more expensive reconstruction of the entire street base.  Our current quote for street repairs and resurfacing is $135,500.  Our reserves for street improvements total $90,000.  Therefore, we are approximately $45,000 short.

The Board is currently struggling as to how best handle this difference.  Can we delay repairs longer without creating a bigger liability? Resurface only a portion of the roadways?  Assess each home for the difference?  Seek a bank loan for the difference and increase quarterly fees sufficient to retire the loan?  We have 123 homes in our neighborhood that will ultimately share evenly in whatever decision is made.

If you have questions, concerns and/or suggestions, please contact Joe Incorvia, President, Huntington Trails Homeowner Association via email to: jsincorvia@aol.com.

Huntington Trails Street Resurfacing                         
Community Garage Sale
Entrance Landscaping             

The cold snap a couple of months ago left some of our yards needing a little TLC.  A little trimming or planting a few new flowers or shrubs can make a big difference!  And…here is a bug spray recipe from Disney World you might like to try:  (For garden and houseplants)  In a quart container, add 1 tsp. cooking oil, 1 tsp. dishwashing soap (such as Joy) and fill with water. If using a gallon container, make it 1 Tbs. each cooking oil and dishwashing soap (Don’t use detergent).

Spring Cleaning                                            
Correction from last quarter…
Please welcome:
Everis and Grace Clarke
1000 Chatham Court
New Neighbors  

After proudly compiling the newsletter for the last 5 or so years I have finally relinquished it to Tammii Sheldon.  Please welcome Tammii as our new Editor.  She will bring a new perspective to our newsletter.  If you have any issues or topics you’d like addressed in the newsletter, please contact a Board member.

Thank you for the opportunity to keep you updated on all community-related issues.  I will continue to be your webmaster and directory editor so I’ll still be around.
…………Kim Geiss

Words from our Exiting Newsletter Editor         

1st Quarter 2008


Management Co.
Ameri-Tech Realty, Inc. Pierre Thiemann
726-8000 ext. 235

Board Members
Joe Incorvia, Pres
Chuck Hinton, VP
Cheryl Lapham, Trea
Kathy Wilson, Sec
Beth Veakis
