Huntington Trails News
Trash is picked up Tuesday and Friday mornings.  Please do not put trash curbside any earlier than the evening before pick up.  Curbside recycling is picked up Wednesday mornings. Visit the Safety Harbor website for information on  trash collection, curbside recycling and yard waste collection or call 724-1550.
Do you have new neighbors? Please email or give them this newsletter to ensure they are up to date on information!
Trash and Recycling:
Neighborhood Information:
Please be aware that new fertilizer regulations have gone into effect for Pinellas County to assist in protecting waterways (including our ponds) from being polluted. Please try to fertilizer your lawn as minimally as possible, the fertilizer leaks into our ponds and promotes nuisance vegetation. Here is the link for more information:
Ponds,Lawns & Fertilizer:
In an effort to keep our community directory up-to-date, we ask residents to please email with name, address & phone information that needs to be updated or deleted.  For security purposes, the directory is password-protected.  You can contact a Board member for the password.
Community Directory

Summer 2010
Editor: Kelli Moch

Management Co.
Ameri-Tech Realty, Inc. Pierre Thiemann
726-8000 ext. 235
Board Members
Chuck Hinton, Pres
Joe Incorvia, VP
Kathy Wilson, Treas
Steve Edinger, Sec
Lisa Anne Hinton

To receive the association’s quarterly email only newsletter, send your email address  to
Volunteers Needed:
Our community is looking for individuals to volunteer for the following, please let a member of the HOA board know if you are interested.
- Webmaster:  updating the website
- Pondmaster:  Inspect each pond weekly to observe any increase in plant or algae growth. Report problems to our Pond Management Company and receive their treatment reports.  Inspect pond drain outlets for debris that will prohibit proper flow. Communicate with pond service company/Pierre at Ameritech on any issues.
Thank You:

Thank You to Kim Geiss for the awesome job she has done as the Huntington Trails webmaster for the past 8 years.

Thank You to Tom Trimmier for the excellent job as our pond master and best wishes to the Trimmiers in their new home.

Thank you to Huntington Estates for the new landscaping along Huntington Lane (new viburnam shrubs, sprinklers and sod). It really improves the looks of our street!

Architectural Committee:

All modifications to the exteriors of our properties, including painting, must be submitted to the Architectural Committee for approval prior to beginning the project.  You can find more information on how to submit the request on our website, and also download a form, or contact Pierre Thiemann.

Association Website:
Be sure to visit our website at, where you will find our covenants, newsletters, Board Meeting minutes, and other useful information about the homeowners’ association.
Covenant Information:
On the website you will find the Huntington Trails Homeowners Association Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Covenants, as well as a list of the Association’s Board of Directors.  Please review these documents so you will be familiar with our rules and guidelines.  Your Board of Directors meets once a month, currently meeting on the third Wednesday of every month.